...and getting excited for our launch event: a free College Essay Workshop next Saturday, May 11, 11 am - 1 pm in Glen Cove. We have a fantastic group of students and volunteers signed up—there are only a (very) few spaces left! We'll have snacks, beverages, pens, pencils, and notebooks on hand; students are welcome to bring laptops.
No need to prepare in advance, but if you want to start thinking or jotting down ideas to bring with you, here's a question to mull over:
What would have to tell someone about yourself for them to know the real you?
Grab a piece of paper and write down any memories, phrases, and best of all images (you can draw them!) that come to mind. Try to remember in words and/or pictures through all the senses: sights, sounds, tastes, touch, smell, and feeling (the sixth sense).
Follow up questions:
Has there been an experience or event so important to you that you think of your life "before" and "after" it?
What makes you different from a lot of other people—maybe even from your closest friends?
What's the biggest mistake you've made so far?
What's the toughest problem you've ever solved?