It’s hard to know how to reach out, or what to say, in these extraordinarily challenging times. For several weeks, I have held back from saying anything at all to students, families, educators, consultants, supporters, and followers—all of you, for whom I am so grateful—feeling that all of us have enough to deal with as it is, and that the last thing anyone wants or needs is yet more communication via social media, or in front of a screen.
Today, I offer a simple snapshot of a daffodil in bloom, and the text of Wordsworth’s great poem, as a reminder of the enduring beauty of both—not just this year, but every year.
Wishing you and yours health, happiness, and hope,
Dr. Shawn Marie Garrett
Executive Director, Long Island Scholars, Long Island, New York
P.S. Students: No matter where you may be in the process of thinking about your future, I am available to discuss things—just email me at, or text or phone me at: (917) 575-2981.